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Calculate a Heinz score (version 1.0)
The file should contain two columns: the node identifier (e.g. gene) and the corresponding p-value
False Discovery Rate (FDR), e.g. 0.0001

This tool is used to calculate a Heinz score for each node (e.g., a gene). This score further serves as the input of the tool "Identify optimal scoring subnetwork".

The input "Node file with p-values" should be like this:

K10970 0.00278208628672861
K10780 0.0029566591795884
K01484 0.0157152504694443
K09055 0.0188894478579773

The first column is "node identifier" (e.g., a gene name); the second column, "p-value"; The columns are delimited by a tab; no headers are needed.

The section "Choose your input type for BUM parameters" requires two alternative types of input:

1."The output of the BUM model" (The tool "Fit a BUM model"): the first line of the file is lambda; the second, alpha.

2."Manually type the parameters of BUM model": lambda and alpha.