Galaxy | Tool Preview

Calculate the box parameters using RDKit (version 2021.03.5+galaxy0)
The input ligand or pocket with three-dimensional coordinates (MOL, SDF, PDB and MOL formats supported).
Buffer in the x direction (in angs.)
Buffer in the y direction (in angs.)
Buffer in the z direction (in angs.)
Exhaustiveness of global search (optional, default = 8)
Choose a seed value; if none is selected, a seed will be chosen randomly


This tool calculates a confounding box around an input ligand or pocket and uses it to generate the input parameters for an AutoDock Vina job.

If you already know the coordinates of a ligand which binds to the protein, you can simply use this file as the tool input. Alternatively, you can search for pockets using the fpocket tool and use one of the output PDB files as an input.

The output file can be fed into the AutoDock Vina tool as an alternative to creating the parameter file manually.


This tool requires:


The output for this tool is a txt file containing the parameters needed to run an autodock vina docking calculation with the docking tool. For example:

size_x =  12.443000000000001
size_y =  11.888
size_z =  9.290999999999997
center_x =  -29.8395
center_y =  4.364
center_z =  -64.5925
num_modes = 9999
energy_range = 9999
exhaustiveness = 10
cpu = 4
seed = 1

The values for num_modes, energy range, cpu and seed are set to default values here.

This file can be used as the box parameter for the docking tool.