Galaxy | Tool Preview

seqtk_mergefa (version 1.4+galaxy1)
Tries to pick the least ambiguous symbol from the two inputs, but masks contradictory bases in the inputs as x in the merged result and converts the merged base to lowercase where one of the input bases is an N.

What it does

This tool merges two FASTA or FASTQ files into a single FASTA file using IUPAC ambiguity codes where appropriate. When differences occur between the sequences, ambiguity codes are used to represent possible variations.




will result in:


If the -m option is in use, however, the tool will pick the least ambiguous base if there is no contradiction between the symbols in the inputs. Conflicts are indicated by using x in the merged sequence and the picked base is converted to lowercase if the less specific symbol is an N to express uncertainty. With this logic the input sequences above will result in the merge result:



This Galaxy tool relies on the seqtk toolkit from lh3/seqtk, developed by Heng Li at the Broad Institute