What it does
Merge two files which constitute a paired-end file into a single, interleaved, paired-end FASTA/Q file
# r1.fq @test-6/1 AGCTTGACGC + ?.HCF@C>>F # r2.fq @test-6/2 TGCGAAGACC + >2?A?A@@7?
will produce the following paired file:
@test-6/1 AGCTTGACGC + ?.HCF@C>>F @test-6/2 TGCGAAGACC + >2?A?A@@7?
While this may not have been an illuminating example, it is important to note that this tool will properly interleave data. For example if you have the ids:
@r-1/1 @r-2/1 @r-3/1 @r-4/1
@r-1/2 @r-2/2 @r-3/2 @r-4/2
These will be interleaved as
@r-1/1 @r-1/2 @r-2/1 @r-2/2 @r-3/1 @r-3/2 @r-4/1 @r-4/2
This Galaxy tool relies on the seqtk toolkit from lh3/seqtk, developed by Heng Li at the Broad Institute