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minipolish (version 0.1.3+galaxy0)
Number of full Racon polishing rounds. Default: 2
Use this flag for PacBio reads to make Minipolish use the map-pb Minimap2 preset. Default: assumes Nanopore reads and uses the map-ont preset
Appropriate if the input GFA does not have 'a' lines. Default: do the initial polishing round


Miniasm is a great long-read assembly tool: straight-forward, effective and very fast. However, it does not include a polishing step, so its assemblies have a high error rate – they are essentially made of stitched-together pieces of long reads.

Racon is a great polishing tool that can be used to clean up assembly errors. It's also very fast and well suited for long-read data. However, it operates on FASTA files, not the GFA graphs that miniasm makes.

That's where Minipolish comes in. With a single command, it will use Racon to polish up a miniasm assembly, while keeping the assembly in graph form.

It also takes care of some of the other nuances of polishing a miniasm assembly:


It is important to note here something that Minipolish does not do: change/fix the CIGAR strings indicating contig overlap. While circular contigs will be connected with an overlap-free link (i.e. a CIGAR of 0M), links between linear contigs will have overlap.

So take CIGAR overlaps between polished contigs with a grain of salt. They will still indicate the approximate amount of overlap, not the exact amount.