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Remove, rearrange and/or rename columns (version 2.0+galaxy0)
By default, column headings are not changed.
By default, column order is not changed.
This tool enables the removal, rearrangement and/or renaming of text file columns.

Column headings This field is optional. Please indicate the column headers that need to be replaced. If one marker exists under several names in different files, run the tool in batch mode and include all names to harmonize as a comma-separated list. .. class:: warningmark Column headings provided have to match file content. .. class:: infomark Tip: One of the tools in the Text File Tools section can help check headers in the files to edit: - Check headers of any set of flowtext files. Replace with Please indicate what to replace the headers indicated in the previous field with. If the previous field contains a comma-separated list, each of these items will be replaced. ..class:: infomark Tip: Add more headings to modify by clicking on 'Insert Column to edit' New order This field is optional. Please indicate which subset of columns (or all) in which order should be output. Output file The output flowtext file is a copy of the input file with rearranged and/or renamed columns. ----- Examples Input file:

Marker1 Marker2 Marker3 Marker4 Marker5
4       45      123     1956    62534
3       65      104     1254    36576
7       26      767     4124    42235
4       56      323     7623    74634
5       83      532     6256    34763
4       15      877     9312    21265
...     ...     ...     ...     ...

Example 1 - Column order: 5,3,2,4 - Column names: Default Output1:

Marker5 Marker3 Marker2 Marker4
62534   123     45      1956
36576   104     65      1254
42235   767     26      4124
74634   323     56      7623
34763   532     83      6256
21265   877     15      9312
...     ...     ...     ...

Example 2 - Column order: 5,3,2,4 - Column names: Mar34,,Mar7, Output2:

Mar34 Marker3 Mar7 Marker4
62534 123     45   1956
36576 104     65   1254
42235 767     26   4124
74634 323     56   7623
34763 532     83   6256
21265 877     15   9312
...   ...     ...  ...

Example 3 - Column order: Default - Column names: Mar23,,,Mar7,Mar8 Output3:

Mar23 Marker2 Marker3 Mar7 Mar8
4     45      123     1956 62534
3     65      104     1254 36576
7     26      767     4124 42235
4     56      323     7623 74634
5     83      532     6256 34763
4     15      877     9312 21265
...   ...     ...     ...  ...