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NCBI BLAST+ convert2blastmask (version 2.14.1+galaxy2)
Free text to describe the options used to create the masking files

What it does

Convert masking information in lower-case masked FASTA input to file formats suitable for makeblastdb.

More information about segmasker can be found in the BLAST Command Line Applications User Manual.


If you use this Galaxy tool in work leading to a scientific publication please cite the following papers:

Peter J. A. Cock, John M. Chilton, Björn Grüning, James E. Johnson, Nicola Soranzo (2015). NCBI BLAST+ integrated into Galaxy. GigaScience 4:39

Christiam Camacho et al. (2009). BLAST+: architecture and applications. BMC Bioinformatics 15;10:421.

This wrapper is available to install into other Galaxy Instances via the Galaxy Tool Shed at