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FileMerger (version 2.8+galaxy0)
select consensusxml,dta,dta2d,fasta,featurexml,mgf,mzdata,mzml,mzxml,traml data sets(s)
- 'append_rows' is usually used when the inputs come from the same MS run (e.g. caused by manual splitting or multiple algorithms on the same file). - 'append_cols' when you want to combine consensusXMLs from e.g. different fractions to be summarized in ProteinQuantifier or jointly exported with MzTabExporter
Options for concatenating files in the retention time (RT) dimensions
Options for concatenating files in the retention time (RT) dimension 0
Options for raw data input/output (primarily for DTA files)s
Options for raw data input/output (primarily for DTA files) 0
Advanced Options
Advanced Options 0

Merges several MS files into one file.

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