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DESeq2 (version
Factor 0
You can produce this file using RUVSeq or svaseq.
If this option is set to Yes, the tool will assume that the count files have column headers in the first row. Default: Yes
Advanced options
Advanced options 0
Output options
Output options 0

What it does

Uses DESeq2 version 1.40.2 to estimate variance-mean dependence in count data from high-throughput sequencing assays and test for differential expression based on a model using the negative binomial distribution.


Count Files

DESeq2 takes count tables generated from featureCounts, HTSeq-count or StringTie as input. Count tables must be generated for each sample individually. One header row is assumed, but files with no header (e.g from HTSeq) can be input with the Files have header? option set to No. DESeq2 is capable of handling multiple factors that affect your experiment. The first factor you input is considered as the primary factor that affects gene expressions. Optionally, you can input one or more secondary factors that might influence your experiment. But the final output will be changes in genes due to primary factor in presence of secondary factors. Each factor has two levels/states. You need to select appropriate count table from your history for each factor level.

The following table gives some examples of factors and their levels:

Factor Factor level 1 Factor level 2
Treatment Treated Untreated
Condition Knockdown Wildtype
TimePoint Day4 Day1
SeqType SingleEnd PairedEnd
Gender Female Male

Note: Output log2 fold changes are based on primary factor level 1 vs. factor level2. Here the order of factor levels is important. For example, for the factor 'Treatment' given in above table, DESeq2 computes fold changes of 'Treated' samples against 'Untreated', i.e. the values correspond to up or down regulations of genes in Treated samples.

DESeq2 can also take transcript-level counts from quantification tools such as, kallisto, Salmon and Sailfish, and this Galaxy wrapper incorporates the Bioconductor tximport package to process the transcript counts for DESeq2.

Salmon or Sailfish Files

Salmon or Sailfish quant.sf files can be imported by setting type to Salmon or Sailfish respectively above. Note: for previous version of Salmon or Sailfish, in which the quant.sf files start with comment lines you will need to remove the comment lines before inputting here. An example of the format is shown below.


Name Length EffectiveLength TPM NumReads
NR_001526 164 20.4518 0 0
NR_001526_1 164 20.4518 0 0
NR_001526_2 164 20.4518 0 0
NM_130786 1764 1956.04 2.47415 109.165
NR_015380 2129 2139.53 1.77331 85.5821
NM_001198818 9360 7796.58 2.38616e-07 4.19648e-05
NM_001198819 9527 7964.62 0 0
NM_001198820 9410 7855.78 0 0
NM_014576 9267 7714.88 0.0481114 8.37255

kallisto Files

kallisto abundance.tsv files can be imported by setting type to kallisto above. An example of the format is shown below.


target_id length eff_length est_counts tpm
NR_001526 164 20.4518 0 0
NR_001526_1 164 20.4518 0 0
NR_001526_2 164 20.4518 0 0
NM_130786 1764 1956.04 109.165 2.47415
NR_015380 2129 2139.53 85.5821 1.77331
NM_001198818 9360 7796.58 4.19648e-05 2.38616e-07
NM_001198819 9527 7964.62 0 0
NM_001198820 9410 7855.78 0 0
NM_014576 9267 7714.88 8.37255 0.0481114


DESeq2 generates a tabular file containing the different columns and optional visualized results as PDF.

Column Description
1 Gene Identifiers
2 mean normalised counts, averaged over all samples from both conditions
3 the logarithm (to basis 2) of the fold change (See the note in inputs section)
4 standard error estimate for the log2 fold change estimate
5 Wald statistic
6 p value for the statistical significance of this change
7 p value adjusted for multiple testing with the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure which controls false discovery rate (FDR)

By selecting Output sample size factors in the "Output options" selection box, the size factors used to normalize the samples can also be output as a tabular file.