Galaxy | Tool Preview

PEAKachu (version 0.2.0+galaxy0)
These modes work differently.
Minimum fraction of a block in a cluster for further consideration.
Minimum fraction of the width of blocks for merging.
Minimum fraction of expression of blocks for merging.


PEAKachu is a tool for the accurate mapping of RBP binding sites based on CLIP-seq and RIP-seq data. PEAKachu uses signal and control libraries (ideally more than three each) to detect binding sites. It implements two peak calling approaches


The adaptive approach applies a three-step procedure to detect regions that are significantly enriched over controls.


The windowed approach subdivides the genome into overlapping regions. After filtering of lowly expressed regions and library normalization (either using manual size factors, TMM, or DESeq2), this approach determines significantly enriched windows using eiterh DESeq2 or repeated G-tests of goodness-of-fit.