Galaxy | Tool Preview

Generate conformers (version 1.1.4+galaxy0)
Input file in SDF format
If a conformer is too similar to those already generated (below the RMSD threshold), it is discarded and regenerated.
Conformers which are below the RMSD threshold are regenerated. This parameter controls how many times this regeneration should be attempted before giving up.
RMSD, TFD (torsion fingerprint deviation) or no clustering.
Number of EM iterations using the MMFF force field. Default is 0 (i.e. no EM).

What this tool does

This tool generates conformers for a set of input molecules, using the chemistry toolkit RDKit.


- Molecules in SDF format
- A number of other parameters can be set; the most important include the number of conformers to generate and the minimum RMSD difference between them.


SD-file containing generated conformers.