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CSV to Tabular (version 0.1)

What it does

Convert a CSV file to a tabular.

Transform the chosen separator to tab. It is important to specify if the file has a header line.

If the field separator is a comma and there are commas inside text fields the tool will only modify the first category in tabs.


Input CSV :

"John","Smith","2 mySteet, myCity"

"François","LeFrançais","1 rue du Général, Paris"

"Other","Random","Stuff, stuff, stuff"

Output tabular :

"John" "Smith" "2 mySteet, myCity"

"François" "LeFrançais" "1 rue du Général, Paris"

"Other" "Random" "Stuff, stuff, stuff"


Input : csv file.

Separator : default is ",".

Header : True/False.