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MUMmer dotplot (version 0.0.7)
Nucleotide FASTA file, e.g. contigs from genome assembly.
Nucleotide FASTA file, e.g. contigs from genome assembly.

What it does

Takes two FASTA files (species A and species B), compares them using one of the MUMmer 3 tools (mummer, nucmer, or promer), checking both strands, and then draws a dotplot using mummerplot.

The full MUMmer suite is more flexible and capable than this limited wrapper.


MUMmer manual: v3.22

MUMmer tutorials:

If you use MUMmer 3, please cite:

S. Kurtz et al. (2004). Versatile and open software for comparing large genomes. Genome Biology (2004), 5:R12.

This wrapper is available to install into other Galaxy Instances via the Galaxy Tool Shed at