What it does
FLAIR FLAIR (Full-Length Alternative Isoform analysis of RNA) for the correction, isoform definition, and alternative splicing analysis of noisy reads. FLAIR has primarily been used for nanopore cDNA, native RNA, and PacBio sequencing reads. FLAIR can be run optionally with short-read data to help increase splice site accuracy of the long read splice junctions. FLAIR uses multiple alignment steps and splice site filters to increase confidence in the set of isoforms defined from noisy data. FLAIR was designed to be able to sense subtle splicing changes in nanopore data from Tang et al. (2018). It is recommended to combine all samples together prior to running flair-collapse for isoform assembly by concatenating corrected read psl or bed files together. Following the creation of an isoform reference from flair-collapse, consequent steps will assign reads from each sample individually to isoforms of the combined assembly for downstream analyses.
flair correct Corrects misaligned splice sites using genome annotations and/or short-read splice junctions. Based on common user issues we have encountered, for flair-correct to run properly, please ensure/note that (1) the genome annotation and genome sequences are compatible, (2) gtf is preferred over gff for annotation and annotations that do not split single exons into multiple entries are ideal.
Either (1) or (3) can be supplied to flair-collapse as the query.
More Information
See the excellent FLAIR documentation
Galaxy Wrapper Development
Author: Florian Heyl