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PubChem Assay Downloader (version 0.3)

What this tool does

This tool will fetch one PubChem Assay file after another and concatenating them. It is possible to optionally filter by PUBCHEM_ACTIVITY_OUTCOME.

Columns in the result file:

  • column 1: PubChem AID (assay id)
  • column 1: PubChem SID (substance id)
  • column 2: PubChem CID (compound id)
  • column 3: PubChem Activity Outcome
    1-Inactive 2-Active 3-Inconclusive 4-Unspecified 5-Probe
  • column 4: PubChem activity score, the higher value, the more active
  • column 5: Test result specific comment
  • column 6 and beyond: All remaining columns starting from the 7th column are the TID "names" defined in the associated assay description given by the XML file under the corresponding Description/ directory. These "names" can also be found in the "Result Definitions" section of the assay summary page: e.g.


The output will be one large SMILES file.