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commet (version 24.7.14)
Read sets
Read sets 0
Set the length of used kmers.
Minimal number of shared kmers.
Minimal length a read should have to be kept.
Minimal Shannon index a read should have to be kept. Float in [0,2.32]
by default, all reads are kept with no Ns limitation


COMMET (COmpare Multiple METagenomes”) provides a global similarity overview between all datasets of a large metagenomic project.

Directly from non-assembled reads, all against all comparisons are performed through an efficient indexing strategy. Then, results are stored as bit vectors, a compressed representation of read files, that can be used to further combine read subsets by common logical operations. Finally, COMMET computes a clusterization of metagenomic datasets, which is visualized by dendrogram and heatmaps.

Web site

Integrated by

Yvan Le Bras and Cyril Monjeaud

GenOuest Bio-informatics Core Facility

UMR 6074 IRISA INRIA-CNRS-UR1 Rennes (France)

If you use this tool in Galaxy, please cite :

Y. Le Bras, A. Roult, C. Monjeaud, M. Bahin, O. Quenez, C. Heriveau, A. Bretaudeau, O. Sallou, O. Collin, Towards a Life Sciences Virtual Research Environment : an e-Science initiative in Western France. JOBIM 2013.