Galaxy | Tool Preview

Get summary (version 1.0+galaxy1)
This tool generates a summary of a txt-converted FCS file and list of markers.

Input file

This tool uses txt-converted FCS files as input.

Output file

File summary includes number of events, list of markers and parameters, and summary statistics for each.



     FSC    SSC    CD4   CCR3   CD8    CCR4
mean 475.4  413.4  288.8 157.9  218.1  179.6
std  165.2  390.7  199.9 117.3  201.7  95.7
min  261.0  18.0   0.0   0.0    0.0     0.0
25%  354.0  121.0  112.0 65.0   58.0   109.0
50%  398.0  167.0  209.0 159.0  180.0  179.0
75%  609.0  951.2  512.0 237.0  275.0  245.0
max  1023.0 1023.0 775.0 1023.0 1023.0 841.0
20000 events