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Classify BLAST (version 1.0.0)
BLAST results
BLAST result 0
For each query, hits with e-values within this factor of the best hit's e-value will be included when computing the lowest common ancestor (or picking randomly).
Pick from hits within E-value factor randomly instead of finding the lowest common ancestor
Sum results by taxonomy ID and list totals in the first column instead of query IDs

What it does

Creates taxonomic classifications for each query in BLAST results by finding the lowest common ancestor (or by picking randomly, if specified) of "best" hits (as determined by e-value factor above). Requires a KronaTools installation (2.0 or higher) with taxonomy downloaded.


Tabular BLAST results containing gi numbers. If comment lines are present, queries with no hits will be assigned to taxon -1 (consistent with MEGAN).

Example input (BLAST):

1      2                            3      4    5  6  7  8    9        10       11     12
read1  gi|211853080|gb|EQ846228.1|  97.33  150  1  3  6  154  9518999  9519146  5e-64  252
read2  gi|211853080|gb|EQ846228.1|  96.69  151  0  5  6  154  9496147  9496294  2e-62  246


The output is a list of query IDs (or counts, if summarize is specified) followed by NCBI taxonomy IDs and scores. This can be used to create a Krona chart by specifying "Taxonomy ID list" as the input type. If the output is summarized, the summarized option must also be specified when creating the chart.

Example output (default):

1 (query ID)  2 (tax ID)  3 (score)
read1         9606        94.34
read2         9616        32.17

Example output (summarized):

1 (count)  2 (tax ID)  3 (score)
243        9606        94.34
17         9616        32.17