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Metagene Analysis (version 0.4.0)

filterHits parameters (footprint reads to be used in the analysis)

ex: 27,28. Multiple values must be comma-separated. Please consult Periodicity-report.txt.
ex: 1,0. Should be of equal length to the lengths parameter above. Multiple values must be comma-separated. Please consult the periodicity report from previous step.

plotCDS parameters

Multiple values should be comma-separated. In that case, multiple plots will be produced


Metagene analysis using riboSeqR. The input is the R data file from the previous step - Triplet periodicity.

riboSeqR version: 1.0.4.

How to use?


  1. Select Triplet periodicity (R data file) from the previous step.

  2. Specify length of ribosome footprint reads to be used in filtering (lengths). Only these reads will be used in the analysis.

  3. Specify frames to consider. This information can be obtained from the Triplet periodicity (HTML report).

    Please note that the frames specified should correspond to the lengths of the reads.

  4. Under plotCDS parameters, input length of footprints to be considered for generating the plot.

  5. Review/change other options if necessary and execute program.


The following files will be generated on completion:

  1. Metagene analysis (HTML report)

    A HTML file with results and links to other output files - plots for specified lengths (PDF) and R script used for the session.

  2. Metagene analysis (R data file)

    Used as input for the next step - Plot Rribosome Profile.

riboSeqR functions used


For detailed description of the functions and the options used, please consult the riboSeqR documentation.