Galaxy | Tool Preview

Authors Eric Fontanillas created the version 1 of this pipeline. Victor Mataigne developped version 2.

Galaxy integration Julie Baffard and ABiMS TEAM, Roscoff Marine Station

Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
Credits : Gildas le Corguillé, Misharl Monsoor


This tool takes files containing nucleic aligned sequences and search the ORF and the CDS.


Input files : (multiple) fasta files with nucleic aligned sequences.


  • methionine : choose to consider the methionine in the search of CDS.
  • 'Minimal number of species in each locus'
    Default : 10 (integer).
  • 'min_length_seq' :
    minimal length of the sequence (in amino acids). when the removal of the indel is done, the minimal length equals : previous length - 20. for example if you choose 50 for the minimal length, the actual length equals 30. Default : 50 (integer).
  • 'min_length_subseq' :
    minimal length of the subsequence (in amino acids). subsequence means the part of the original sequence between 2 sets of indels. an indel set is composed by more than 2 indels, if not the set is considered as unknown amino acid. Default : 15 (integer).
  • 'min_length_nuc' :
    Minimal length of the sequence in the nucleic format, without indels. Default : 50 (integer).
  • others parameters allowing to choose which outputs you desire :
    • outputs with best ORFs.
    • outputs with CDS, with or without indels.
    • in proteic or nucleic format.


  • ORF_Search
    the log file (mainly statistics about the tool).
  • ORF_Search_Best_ORF_aa
    the output with the best ORF in the proteic format.
  • ORF_Search_Best_ORF_nuc
    the output with the best ORF in the nucleic format.
  • ORF_Search_CDS_aa
    the output with the CDS (regardless the Methionine) in the proteic format.
  • ORF_Search_CDS_nuc
    the output with the CDS (regardless the Methionine) in the nucleic format.
  • ORF_Search_CDS_with_M_aa
    the output with the CDS (considering the Methionine) in proteic format. the rule : they must have a methionine before the minimal length of the sequence. for example before the 30 last amino acid.
  • ORF_Search_CDS_with_M_nuc
    the output with the CDS (considering the Methionine) in nucleic format. the rule : they must have a methionine before the minimale length of the sequence. for example before the 30 last amino acid.
  • ORF_Search_CDS_without_indel_aa
    is the output with the CDS without indel in proteic format. considering the Methionine or not : according to the option chosen.
  • ORF_Search_CDS_without_indel_nuc
    is the output with the CDS without indel in proteic format. considering the Methionine or not : according to the option chosen.

The AdaptSearch Pipeline



Version 2.0 - 05/07/2017

  • NEW: Replace the zip between tools by Dataset Collection

Version 1.0 - 13/04/2017

  • Added functional test with planemo
  • planemo test with conda dependency for python
  • Scripts renamed + symlinks to the directory 'scripts'