Galaxy | Tool Preview

Map Reads to OTU (version 1.1)
This is the non-chimeric output from Uchime on the clustered OTU, see description below
This is the output of the from the Dereplicate tool
Between 0.0 - 1.0


Maps read sequences that have been identified as non-chimeric OTU cluster representatives by the UCHIME tool. This is an intermediate step to generate an OTU table. Map Reads to OTU is part of the USEARCH-Tool-Suite.


  1. OTU FASTA file; containing OTU cluster representatives wich have been identified as non-chimeric by the UCHIME tool.
  2. File of read sequences in FASTA format, which have been dereplicated by the Dereplicate tool.


Of non-chimeric OTU representatives from the 'UCHIME and respectively OTU Cluster' step, this file represents the 'database' to search against.
Input reads file
FASTA file of (dereplicated) reads, these are the query sequences
Minimum identity
Specifies the minimum identity between the query sequence and a database sequence. This is a fractional identity between 0.0 and 1.0. By default set to 0.97, correponding to a minimum identity of 97%.


This tool produces four output files, one of which is hidden by default. To see the hidden file: click on the cogwheel icon in the history panel and select 'Include Hidden Datasets'.

  1. A tab delimited file following the rabund format from mothur. The first column is a label (this is usually the identity), the second column is the number of OTUs found and each subsequent column is the number of reads found for the corresponding OTUs.
  2. A tab delimited PRE OTU table with three columns: | 1 - OTU label | 2 - Count | 3 - Sequence |

The PRE OTU table can be used as input for the RDP Multi-Classifier to generate a complete OTU table with assigned taxonomy.

  1. A FASTA file containing the sequences re-labelled with their corresponding OTU label, e.g. OTU_1, OTU_2,...OTU_N, where N is the number of OTUs




Robert C. Edgar (

Wrapper Author

QFAB Bioinformatics (