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Pharmacophore Alignment (version 0.1)
The lower this value, the more strict the matching between two pharmacophores will have to be before they can be aligned.
Using this flag makes the pharmacophore models less specific but also less conformation-dependent.
Using this flag will increase the number of pharmacophore points.
When this flag is set, the exclusion spheres have also an impact on the optimization procedure.
This value should be between 0 and 1.
0 means this option is deactivated

What this tool does

Align-it is a tool to align molecules according to their pharmacophores. A pharmacophore is an abstract concept based on the specific interactions observed in drug-receptor interactions: hydrogen bonding, charge transfer, electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. Molecular modeling and/or screening based on pharmacophore similarities has been proven to be an important and useful method in drug discovery.

The functionality of Align-it consists mainly of two parts. The first functionality is the generation of pharmacophores from molecules (use the tool Pharmacophore generation if you want to store these for further use). Secondly, pairs of pharmacophores can be aligned (the function of this tool). The resulting score is calculated from the volume overlap resulting of the alignments.



The format of the output file is shown in the table below:

Column Content
1 Id of the reference structure
2 Maximum volume of the reference structure
3 Id of the database structure
4 Maximum volume of the database structure
5 Maximum volume overlap of the two structures
6 Overlap between pharmacophore and exclusion spheres in the reference
7 Corrected volume overlap between database pharmacophore and reference
8 Number of pharmacophore points in the processed pharmacophore
9 TANIMOTO score
10 TVERSKY_REF score
11 TVERSKY_DB score


Silicos-it - align-it