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MyriMatchAdapter (version 2.8+galaxy0)
select mzml data sets(s)
select fasta data sets(s)
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
e.g. 'Carbamidomethyl (C)' or 'Oxidation (M)'
For more details, see
Setting this parameter to 0 or 1 will reduce that requirement, so that neither terminus or only one terminus of the peptide must match one of the cleavage rules specified in the CleavageRules parameter. This parameter is useful to turn a tryptic digest into a semi-tryptic digest
A missed cleavage is a site within the peptide that matches one of the cleavage rules (refer to CleavageRules). Settings this parameter to some other number will stop generating peptides from a sequence if it contains more than the specified number of missed cleavages
Advanced Options
Advanced Options 0

Annotates MS/MS spectra using MyriMatch.

For more information, visit