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NMR_Annotation (version 3.0.0)
Choose if you want to exclude particular zone(s)
Maximal allowed shift for spectra alignment. Default value is 0.01 ppm
Choose if you want to display particular zone(s)

Authors Marie Tremblay-Franco (, Patrick Tardivel (, RĂ©mi Servien ( and Gaelle Lefort (

Please cite

Tardivel P., Servien R. and Concordet D. Non asymptotic active set properties of lasso-type estimators in small-dimension (submitted) Tardivel P., Servien R., Canlet C., Tremblay-Franco M., Debrauwer L. and Concordet D. ASICS: an automatic method for identification and quantification of metabolites in NMR 1D 1H spectra (in preparation)

NMR Annotation


ASICS, based on a strong statistical theory, handles automatically the metabolite identification and quantification

Workflow position

Upstream tools

Name output file format parameter

Downstream tools

Name output file format parameter

Input files

Parameter : num + label Format
1 : Choose your inputs zip

Choose your inputs

You have two methods for your inputs:

Zip file : You can put a zip file containing one condition (sample):


Exclusion zone(s) | Spectral regions to exclude, water, solvent or contaminant resonances | If YES: parameters Lower exclusion zone and Upper exclusion zone are visible, | If NO: no zone to exclude | Default value is NO |

Left exclusion zone | Upper boundary of exclusion zone

Right exclusion zone | Lower boundary of exclusion zone

- these parameters can be used several times using the "Add new exclusion zones" button

Shift | Maximum variation of the chemical shift (due to experimental conditions) of a peak of a fixed metabolite allowed in the warping function

Graphical zone(s) | Spectral regions to display | If YES: parameters Lower graphical zone and Upper graphical zone are visible, | If NO: no zone to display | Default value is NO

Output files

proportionEstimation.tsv | tabular output | Array with p rows (corresponding to the identified metabolites) and 1 column containing the estimated relative intensities

spectra.pdf | pdf output | Graphical chart of real and estimated spectrum (whole spectral width and zooms depending on exclusion zone(s))

