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svtyper (version 0.1.1)
VCF input (default: stdin)
BAM or CRAM file(s), comma-separated if genotyping multiple samples
Indexed reference FASTA file (recommended for reading CRAM files)
read JSON file of library information
minimum number of aligned bases to consider read as evidence [20]
number of reads to sample from BAM file for building insert size distribution [1000000]
add genotyping quality to existing QUAL (default: overwrite QUAL field)
maximum number of reads to assess at any variant (reduces processing time in high-depth regions, default: 0 = unlimited)
weight for split reads [1]
weight for discordant paired-end reads [1]
if an input library json file (--lib_info) is not provided, create an output library json file
generate an output bam file containing the reads supporting the structural variants
usage: svtyper [-h] [-i FILE] [-o FILE] -B FILE [-T FILE] [-l FILE] [-m INT]
[-n INT] [-q] [--max_reads INT] [--split_weight FLOAT] [--disc_weight FLOAT] [-w FILE] [--verbose]

svtyper author: Colby Chiang ( version: v0.6.0 description: Compute genotype of structural variants based on breakpoint depth

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i FILE, --input_vcf FILE
 VCF input (default: stdin)
-o FILE, --output_vcf FILE
 output VCF to write (default: stdout)
-B FILE, --bam FILE
 BAM or CRAM file(s), comma-separated if genotyping multiple samples
-T FILE, --ref_fasta FILE
 Indexed reference FASTA file (recommended for reading CRAM files)
-l FILE, --lib_info FILE
 create/read JSON file of library information
-m INT, --min_aligned INT
 minimum number of aligned bases to consider read as evidence [20]
-n INT number of reads to sample from BAM file for building insert size distribution [1000000]
-q, --sum_quals
 add genotyping quality to existing QUAL (default: overwrite QUAL field)
--max_reads INT
 maximum number of reads to assess at any variant (reduces processing time in high-depth regions, default: unlimited)
--split_weight FLOAT
 weight for split reads [1]
--disc_weight FLOAT
 weight for discordant paired-end reads [1]
-w FILE, --write_alignment FILE
 write relevant reads to BAM file
--verbose Report status updates