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ConcatPhyl (version 2.0.2)
nucleic or proteic format according to the analysis you want to do below
Specify the number of alternative runs (-N|#) on distinct starting trees In combination with the '-b' option will invoke a multiple boostrap analysis. You can add the bootstopping criteria by choosing the autoMR, autoMRE, autoMRE_IGN, or autoFC value in a menu below instead of providing a number here. Bootstopping will only work in combination with '-x' or '-b'.
Specify the file name which contains the assignment of models to alignment partitions for multiple models of substitution. For the syntax of this file please consult the manual.
Specify a random seed and turn on rapid bootstrapping. CAUTION: unlike in version 7.0.4 RAxML will conduct rapid BS replicates under the model of rate heterogeneity you specified via '-m' and not by default under CAT.
Only if the option 'rapid bootsptrap' is chosen. When you don't want to choose your options, this output is accessible

Authors Eric Fontanillas created the version 1 of this pipeline. Victor Mataigne developped version 2.

Galaxy integration Julie Baffard and ABiMS TEAM, Roscoff Marine Station

Contact for any questions or concerns about the Galaxy implementation of this tool.
Credits : Gildas le Corguillé, Misharl Monsoor


This tool takes files containing fasta sequences (from the CDS_Search in the AdaptSearch suite) and run RAxML to build a phylogeny.

full RAxML manual here


  • The choice of the format sequences is possible : proteic or nucleic


  • Files from Filter Assemblies : a set of fasta files (one file per species), e.g. the outputs of the first tool of the AdaptSearch suite.
    Used to retrieve all the species names.
  • Alignment files without indels : a set of fasta files with aligned sequences (with the same species than into the previous parameter), e.g the outputs of the CDS_Search tool of the AdaptSearch suite.


This tool, produces the following files :

  • Phylogeny :
    the general output. It gives the information about the concatenation (statistics) and the RAxML run.
  • Phylogeny_concatenation_fasta_aa :
    contains the sequences concatenated in fasta format when you choose the option proteic.
  • Phylogeny_concatenation_phylip_aa :
    contains the sequences concatenated in phylip format when you choose the option proteic.
  • Phylogeny_concatenation_nexus_aa :
    contains the sequences concatenated in nexus format when you choose the option proteic.
  • Phylogeny_concatenation_fasta_nuc :
    contains the sequences concatenated in fasta format when you choose the option nucleic.
  • Phylogeny_concatenation_phylip_nuc :
    contains the sequences concatenated in phylip format when you choose the option nucleic. it's this output which is used for the RAxML run.
  • Phylogeny_concatenation_nexus_nuc :
    contains the sequences concatenated in nexus format when you choose the option nucleic.
  • Phylogeny_RAxML_BestTree** :
    the output of RAxML run which contains the Best Tree found.
  • Phylogeny_RAxML_BiPartitionBranchLabel :
    the output of RAxML run which contains the Best Tree found with supported values as branch labels.
  • Phylogeny_RAxML_BiPartition :
    the output of RAxML run which contains the Best Tree found with supported values.
  • Phylogeny_RAxML_BootStrap :
    the output of RAxML run which contains all the boostrapped trees. The number of boostraped trees depending of the option -N (number of run).

The AdaptSearch Pipeline



Version 2.0 - 06/07/2017

  • NEW: Replace the zip between tools by Dataset Collection

Version 1.0 - 13/04/2017

  • Add funtional test with planemo
  • Planemo test with conda dependencies for raxml and python
  • Scripts renamed + symlinks to the directory 'scripts'