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Ensembl Variant Report (version 0.4.0)
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Uses an Essembl GTF and a genome 2bit reference to report variant peptides from snpEff reported missense and frameshift variants. Allows readthrough of stop codons, and reports the stop codons. Translation readthrough is known to occur with some antibiotics.

The variant peptides can be converted to a fasta file with text and fasta tools, then used as input to epitope binding prediction applications such as netMHC or IEDB.


Input can be a snpEff vcf file using either ANN or EFF annotations.

Alternatively, the input can be a tabular file that has columns:

  • genomic_location
  • reference_bases
  • variant_bases
  • Ensembl Transcript ID
  • Read Depth (DP)
  • AlleleDepth (DPR)


Sample Output

====== ============= ======= ======= ========= === =============================== ====== ====== =========== =============== ======================= =======================
Gene   Ref_location  Ref_seq Var_seq Frequency DP  Ensemble_Gene_transcript        AA_pos AA_var Protein_len Stop_Codon      Variant_Peptide         Transcript_type
====== ============= ======= ======= ========= === =============================== ====== ====== =========== =============== ======================= =======================
ACTL8  1:18149510 +  G       T       1.00      12  ENSG00000117148|ENST00000375406 3      A3S    367         G-TGA           MA_S_RTVIIDHGSG         protein_coding
BDH2   4:104013796 - A       G       0.47      159 ENSG00000164039|ENST00000511354 70     N70S   91          c-tag           TKKKQIDQFA_S_EVERLDVLFN nonsense_mediated_decay
CENPE  4:104061993 - G       C       0.83      6   ENSG00000138778|ENST00000265148 1911   S1911T 2702        G-TAG           LKLERDQLKE_T_LQETKARDLE protein_coding
CCHCR1 6:31110391 -  C       G       0.40      65  ENSG00000204536|ENST00000396268 865    S865C  872         C-TAA           QGDNLDRCSS_C_NPQMSS*    protein_coding
NPRL3  16:138772 -   CT      CCT     0.58      123 ENSG00000103148|ENST00000399953 489    S489L  569         A-TGA-C,C-TGA-G LGA*TRSHPQCTRSPEP*      protein_coding
====== ============= ======= ======= ========= === =============================== ====== ====== =========== =============== ======================= =======================
The Variant_Peptide column:
  • misense: prior amino acids _ variant amino acid _ following amino acids
  • frameshift: variant amino acids with stop codons indicated by *