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chicPlotViewpoint (version 3.7.2+galaxy0)
Select if the significant regions should be highlighted in the plot. If not set, the significant file data is used only to update the p-values.
Defines the region upstream of a reference point which should be considered in the analysis.
Defines the region upstream of a reference point which should be considered in the analysis.
The background file computed by chicViewpointBackgroundModel
Maximum value of the plotted p-value.
Minimum value of the plotted p-value.
Available color map names can be found here:
Plot x-fold region for the mean background.
Change the default resolution of the plot.
Colorlist for the viewpoint lines. For all available colors please check matplotlib documentation:
Sets all p-values which are equal to zero to one. This has the effect that the associated positions are not disturbing the presenation of small p-values.

Plot of viewpoints

chicPlotViewpoint plots one or many viewpoints with the average background model and the computed p-value per sample. Moreover it can highlight differential interactions of two samples and/or significant regions.

An example usage is:

$ chicPlotViewpoint --interactionFile interactions.hdf5 --range 500000 500000 --backgroundModelFile background_model.txt --pValue --outFileName viewpoint1_2.tar.gz --dpi 300

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