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FROGS Clusters stat (version 1.4.0)
Clusters abundance (format: BIOM).

FROGS Clusters stat computes several metrics and generates a HTML file describing clusters based on abundances, samples, ...


Abundance file:

The abundance of each cluster in each sample (format BIOM).

The FROGS's tools working on clusters and others metagenomic workflows produce files in BIOM format.


Summary file (summary.html):

Clusters metrics (format HTML):

Clusters distribution : describes the sizes distribution of all clusters thank to boxplot and tables

/repository/static/images/525e78406276b403/static%2Fimages%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_clusterDistrib1.png /repository/static/images/525e78406276b403/static%2Fimages%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_clusterDistrib2.png

Sequences distributions : describes the sequences distribution among clusters


Samples distribution : describes clusters distribution among sample and give an hierarchical clustering on samples abundance profile (distance method = braycurtis, linkage method = average)

/repository/static/images/525e78406276b403/static%2Fimages%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_sample_dist1.png /repository/static/images/525e78406276b403/static%2Fimages%2FFROGS_cluster_stat_sample_dist2.png

This is a very usefull tool to see the evolution of your OTU. Do not hesitate to run this tool after each FROGS step beginning at the clustering step.




Please cite the FROGS Publication: Escudie F., Auer L., Bernard M., Cauquil L., Vidal K., Maman S., Mariadassou M., Hernadez-Raquet G., Pascal G., 2015. FROGS: Find Rapidly OTU with Galaxy Solution. In: The environmental genomic Conference, Montpellier, France,

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