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IDMapper (version 2.8+galaxy0)
select idxml,mzid data sets(s)
select consensusxml,featurexml,mzq data sets(s)
Tolerance is understood as 'plus or minus x', so the matching range increases by twice the given value
Tolerance is understood as 'plus or minus x', so the matching range increases by twice the given value
If 'precursor', the precursor-m/z from the idXML is used. If 'peptide',. masses are computed from the sequences of peptide hits; in this case, an identification matches if any of its hits matches.. ('peptide' should be used together with 'feature:use_centroid_mz' to avoid false-positive matches.)
Additional options for featureXML inputs
Additional options for featureXML input 0
Additional options for consensusXML inputs
Additional options for consensusXML input 0
Additional options for mzML inputs
Additional options for mzML input 0
Advanced Options
Advanced Options 0

Assigns protein/peptide identifications to features or consensus features.

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