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Proteinortho (version 6.3.1+galaxy0)
The input fasta files. At least 2 are needed!
In the first step of proteinortho an all-versus-all reciprocal best hit graph is build from the input files (using this algorithm).
This and --evalue are main parameters for the generation of the reciprocal best hit graph. 1 = only the best reciprocal hits are reported, 0 = all possible reciprocal blast matches (within the E-value cutoff) are reported.
This is the main parameter for the clustering step. Choose larger values than more splits are done, resulting in more and smaller clusters. A value of 0 corresponds to no clustering.
Additional Options
Additional Options 0
To enhance the prediction accuracy, the relative order of genes (synteny) can be used as an additional feature for the discrimination of orthologs. For more details see doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105015.

Proteinortho with POFF - An orthology detection tool

What it does

Proteinortho is a tool to detect orthologous proteins/genes within different species (at least 2).

It compares similarities of given gene/protein sequences and clusters them to find significant groups.
The algorithm was designed to handle large-scale data and can be applied to hundreds of species at once.
Details can be found in (doi:10.1186/1471-2105-12-124 and doi:10.3389/fbinf.2023.1322477).
To enhance the prediction accuracy, the relative order of genes (synteny) can be used as an additional feature for the discrimination of orthologs. The corresponding extension, namely PoFF (details see doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105015), is already built in Proteinortho.

Proteinortho in a nutshell

Proteinortho output files

seqidA seqidB evalue_ab bitscore_ab evalue_ba bitscore_ba
# ecoli.faa human.faa        
# 1.91e-112 357.5 1.825e-113 360    
L_10 C_10;test 4.32e-151 447 4.30e-151 446
L_11 C_11 1.17e-68 209 3.00e-69 210
L_14 C_14 3.64e-139 422 1.19e-142 431
L_15 C_15 3.51e-100 303 2.12e-102 308
L_16 C_16 3.75e-49 157 7.06e-50 159
L_17 C_17 2.96e-195 578 5.50e-196 579

Species Genes alg.-conn. ecoli.faa human.faa snail.faa wale.faa ebola.faa
5 5 0.715 C_10 C_10;test E_10 L_10 M_10
4 6 0.115
C_12 E_315 L_313 M_313
4 5 0.167
C_63 E_19 L_19 M_19
4 4 0.816
C_64 E_18 L_18 M_18

seqidA seqidB evalue_ab bitscore_ab evalue_ba bitscore_ba

Proteinortho-Tools for downstream analysis

More information can be found on github
