Galaxy | Tool Preview

findDMR (version 1.20.0)
e.g. 'GRsetFromGEO tool output'
e.g.'ID Phenotype GSM1255789 OLD GSM1255798 OLD GSM1255778 YOUNG'
A v. Values of the estimate of the genomic profile above the cutoff or below the negative of the cutoff will be used as candidate regions. It is possible to give two separate values (upper and lower bounds). If one value is given, the lower bound is minus the value.
An integer denoting the number of resamples to use when computing null distributions. This defaults to 0. If permutations is supplied that defines the number of permutations/bootstraps and B is ignored.
The quantile used for picking the cutoff using the permutation distribution.

What it does This R-based tool look for genomic regions that are differentially methylated between two conditions Input GenomicRatioSet object Output Text and BED file containing differentially methylated regions