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Filter OTUs from an OTU table (version
The input otu table filepath in biom format
This is a fraction (float), not a percentage, so if you want to filter to 1%, you need to use 0.01 as value here

What it does

The Qiime script filter OTUs from an OTU table based on their observation counts or identifier.

The output of is a biom file.

Different kind of filtering can be applied on the input biom file depending on the selected parameters:
  • Singleton filtering (minimum number of occurence) by using the -n/--min_count parameters
  • Abundance filtering (maximum number of occurence) by using the -x/--max_count parameters
  • Chimera filtering by using the -e/--otu_ids_to_exclude_fp parameters

More information about this tool is available on QIIME documentation.