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Scater DetectOutlier (version 1.8.4+galaxy0)
A serialized SingleCellExperiment RDS object with pre-calculated QC metrics
character scalar, name of a numeric QC metric available in the input SingleCellExperiment object.
character scalar, choice indicate whether outliers should be looked for at both tails (default: both) or only at the lower end (lower) or the higher end (higher).
logical, should the values of the metric be transformed to the log10 scale before computing median-absolute-deviation for outlier detection
scalar, number of median-absolute-deviations away from median required for a value to be called an outlier.
numeric scalar indicating the minimum difference from the median to consider as an outlier. The outlier threshold is defined from the larger of nmads MADs and min.diff, to avoid calling many outliers when the MAD is very small. If NA, it is ignored.

More information can be found at

Version history

1.8.4+galaxy0: Initial contribution. Suhaib Mohammed, Ni Huang and Pablo Moreno, Expression Atlas team at EMBL-EBI and and Teichmann Lab at Wellcome Sanger Institute.