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VNTR copy number approximation (version 1.1.0)

usage: prince [-h] [-bo BOOST_OUTPUT] [-to TARGET_OUTPUT] [-tmp TEMPLATES] [-tf TARGET_FILE] [-bf BOOSTING_FILE] [-k K] [-cn COPYNUMBER]

Prince Options.

optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-bo, --boost_output
 Output file for training data / training data used to predict copy numbers for queries
-to, --target_output
 Output file for query copy number predictions
-tmp, --templates
 VNTR templates. Default is for M.TB
-tf, --target_file
 Target genome names in a text file
-bf, --boosting_file
 Training genome file names in a text file
-k, --k Kmer size used during read recruitment
-cn, --copynumber
 Copy number used for training genome