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SnpSift CaseControl (version 4.3+t.galaxy0)
Case and control are defined by a string containing plus and minus symbols {'+', '-', '0'} where '+' is case, '-' is control and '0' is neutral
Name to append to the 'Cases' or 'Controls' tags

SnpSift CaseControl

Allows you to count how many samples are in 'case' group and a 'control' group. You can count 'homozygous', 'heterozygous' or 'any' variants.

Case and control are defined by a string containing plus and minus symbols {'+', '-', '0'} where '+' is case, '-' is control and '0' is neutral.

This command adds two annotations to the VCF file:

For example, if we have ten samples (which means ten genotype columns in the VCF file), the first four are 'case' and the last six are 'control', so the description string would be "++++------". Let's say we want to distinguish genotypes that are homozygous in 'case' and either homozygous or heterozygous in 'control'. We would set:

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