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Add column (version 1.0.0)
Dataset missing? See TIP below

TIP: If your data is not TAB delimited, use Text Manipulation->Convert

What it does

You can enter any value and it will be added as a new column to your dataset


If you original data looks like this:

chr1 10  100 geneA
chr2 200 300 geneB
chr2 400 500 geneC

Typing + in the text box will generate:

chr1 10  100 geneA +
chr2 200 300 geneB +
chr2 400 500 geneC +

You can also add line numbers by selecting Iterate: YES. In this case if you enter 1 in the text box you will get:

chr1 10  100 geneA 1
chr2 200 300 geneB 2
chr2 400 500 geneC 3