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Join two Datasets (version 2.0.2)

This tool will attempt to reuse the metadata from your first input. To change metadata assignments click on the "edit attributes" link of the history item generated by this tool.

TIP: If your data is not TAB delimited, use Text Manipulation->Convert


This tool joins lines of two datasets on a common field. An empty string ("") is not a valid identifier. You may choose to include lines of your first input that do not join with your second input.



chr1 10 20 geneA
chr1 50 80 geneB
chr5 10 40 geneL


geneA tumor-supressor
geneB Foxp2
geneC Gnas1
geneE INK4a

Joining the 4th column of Dataset1 with the 1st column of Dataset2 will yield:

chr1 10 20 geneA geneA tumor-suppressor
chr1 50 80 geneB geneB Foxp2

Joining the 4th column of Dataset1 with the 1st column of Dataset2, while keeping all lines from Dataset1, will yield:

chr1 10 20 geneA geneA tumor-suppressor
chr1 50 80 geneB geneB Foxp2
chr5 10 40 geneL