Galaxy | Tool Preview

LD (version 1.0.0)

Dataset formats

The input and output datasets are tabular. (Dataset missing?)

What it does

This tool can be used to analyze the patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between polymorphic sites in a locus. SNPs are grouped based on the threshold level of LD as measured by r2 (regardless of genomic position), and a representative "tag SNP" is reported for each group. The other SNPs in the group are in LD with the tag SNP, but not necessarily with each other.

The underlying algorithm is the same as the one used in ldSelect (Carlson et al. 2004). However, this tool is implemented to be much faster and more efficient than ldSelect.

The input is a tabular file with genotype information for each individual at each SNP site, in exactly four columns: site ID, sample ID, and the two allele nucleotides.



Carlson CS, Eberle MA, Rieder MJ, Yi Q, Kruglyak L, Nickerson DA. (2004) Selecting a maximally informative set of single-nucleotide polymorphisms for association analyses using linkage disequilibrium. Am J Hum Genet. 74(1):106-20. Epub 2003 Dec 15.