What it does
This tool maps SOLiD color-space reads against the target genome using MAQ. It produces three output datasets:
ALIGNMENT INFO : contains the read alignment information,
PILEUP : contains the coverage and SNP statistics for every nucleotide of the target genome,
CUSTOM TRACK : contains the coverage and SNP statistics as custom tracks displayable in the UCSC browser.
The ALIGNMENT INFO dataset will contain the following fields:
- column 1 = read name
- column 2 = chromosome
- column 3 = position
- column 4 = strand
- column 5 = insert size from the outer coorniates of a pair
- column 6 = paired flag
- column 7 = mapping quality
- column 8 = single-end mapping quality
- column 9 = alternative mapping quality
- column 10 = number of mismatches of the best hit
- column 11 = sum of qualities of mismatched bases of the best hit
- column 12 = number of 0-mismatch hits of the first 24bp
- column 13 = number of 1-mismatch hits of the first 24bp on the reference
- column 14 = length of the read
- column 15 = read sequence
- column 16 = read quality
The PILEUP dataset will contain the following fields:
- column 1 = chromosome
- column 2 = position
- column 3 = reference nucleotide
- column 4 = coverage (number of reads that cover this position)
- column 5 = number of SNPs
- column 6 = number of As
- column 7 = number of Ts
- column 8 = number of Gs
- column 9 = number of Cs