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Heatmap (version 2.2.2)
If correlation is selected, the pearson method will be used by default unless a specific method is selected in the advanced parameters below
Tool update: See the 'NEWS' section at the bottom of the page

Author Etienne Thevenot (W4M Core Development Team, MetaboHUB Paris, CEA)


Etienne A. Thevenot, Aurelie Roux, Ying Xu, Eric Ezan, and Christophe Junot (2015). Analysis of the human adult urinary metabolome variations with age, body mass index and gender by implementing a comprehensive workflow for univariate and OPLS statistical analyses. Journal of Proteome Research, 14:3322-3335 (
R Core Team (2013). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria (

Tool updates

See the NEWS section at the bottom of this page



Performs hierarchical clustering on both the samples (rows) and variables (columns) of the dataMatrix
Displays the dataMatrix with sorted rows and samples and the dendrograms (heatmap)
In the output dataMatrix, sampleMetadata and variableMetadata files sample and variables are sorted according to the dendrograms
Optionally, indicates the groups of samples and/or variables obtained by cutting the dendrograms into a specific number of partitions

Note: 1) Computations rely on the 'hclust' function. The dissimilarity is 1 - cor (where cor is the Spearman correlation) and the 'ward.D' aggregating method is used.
2) A "blue-orange-red" palette is generated with the function 'colorRampPalette'; By default, variables are standardized (mean-centered and unit-scaled) to enhance contrast on the figure; standardization can be turned off by using the full list of parameters; in any case, standardizing is performed after the computation of clusters, for display only
3) When a specific number of sample and/or variable groups (i.e. > 1) are selected, the group numbers are indicated on the plot and in an additional 'heat_clust" column in the sampleMetadata and/or variableMetadata
4) Example of computation times: for 126 variables: a few seconds; for 4324 variables: 30 min

Workflow position

In the workflow example below, the structure of the dataset (dataMatrix) is visualized by using first the "Quality Metrics" (for checking potential signal drift, sample outliers, etc.), then the "Heatmap" (for correlations between samples or variables), and finally the "Multivariate" (for PCA or PLS) modules.


Input files

File type Format
1 : Data matrix tabular
2 : Sample metadata tabular
3 : Variable metadata tabular

Required formats for the dataMatrix, sampleMetadata and variableMetadata files are described in the HowTo entitled 'Format Data For Postprocessing' available on the main page of; formats of the three files can be further checked with the 'Check Data' module (in the 'Quality Control' section)


Number of sample clusters
By default (cluster = 1), only dendrograms are displayed; when a specific number of sample clusters is selected, the sample dendrogram is cut at the corresponding level: the sample groups are displayed on the dendrogram and a "heat_clust" column is added in the sampleMetadata file with the group of each sample

Number of variable clusters
Same as above for variables

Standardization (Full list)
By default, variables are standardized for display to enhance contrast of the heatmap (note that standardization is performed after the clustering for display only and does not modify cluster computation nor intensities in the output files)

Size of labels (Full list)
The size of sample and variable names on the heatmap is 0.8 (note that names with more than 14 characters are truncated); this number may be lowered (or uppered) in case of many (few) names to display

Output files

dataMatrix file with rows and columns sorted according to the dendrogram

sampleMetadata file with rows sorted according to the sample dendrogram; in case a number of sample groups is specified, and additional "heat_clust" column is added with the cluster group of each sample

variableMetadata file with rows sorted according to the variable dendrogram; in case a number of variable groups is specified, and additional "heat_clust" column is added with the cluster group of each variable


File with all messages and warnings generated during the computation

Working example

See the W4M00001a_sacurine-subset-statistics shared history in the Shared Data/Published Histories menu (




Minor internal modifications



Default method for the correlation coefficient is now 'pearson', instead of 'spearman' previously (the latter can still be selected in the advanced parameters)

The 1-abs(correlation) dissimilarity is now available (in addition to the default '1-correlation') in case the sign of correlations between samples and between variables does not matter, as well as the euclidean, maximum, manhattan, canberra, binary, and minkowski dissimilarities

A new red-green color scale is available



Creating additional files for planemo and travis running and installation validation



Internal replacement of the as.hclust function which happened to produce error messages