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pyExtractLinesFromGTF (version 1.0.0)
GTF file containing gene ID co-ordinates
Tabular file with 1 column of gene or annotation names


pyExtractLinesFromGTF is part of the pyCRAC package. Extracts lines from a GTF file that contain gene names of interest.

Parameter list


                      type the path to the gtf file that you want to use. By
                      default it expects data from the standard input.
-g FILE, --genes_file=FILE
                      name of your gene list or annotations list file (1
-o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
                      type the name and path of the file you want to write
                      the output to. Default is standard output
                      from which attribute do you want to extract names?
                      Choices: gene_name, gene_id, transcript_name,
                      similar to grep -v option. Remove the genes from the
                      GTF that are in the gene list