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pyFastqDuplicateRemover (version 1.0.0)
FastQ format


pyFastqDuplicateRemover is part of the pyCRAC package. Removes identical sequences from fastq and fasta files and returns a fasta file with collapsed data.

Can also process paired-end data.


Unprocessed fastq data with six random nucleotides at 5' end of the read:


After pyBarcodeFilter:


This entry is printed to the NNNNNNGCCAAT barcode file.

After pyFastqDuplicateRemover:


The '1' indicates that this is the first unique cDNA in the data
GCGCCT is the random barcode sequence
the '5' indicates that 5 reads were found with identical read and random barcode sequences
the '/1' indicates that the seqeuence originates from the forward sequencing reaction

Parameter list


-f FILE, --input_file=FILE
                                      name of the FASTQ or FASTA input file

-r FILE, --reverse_input_file=FILE
                                      name of the paired (or reverse) FASTQ or FASTA input file

-o FILE, --output_file=FILE
                                      Provide the path and name of the fastq or fasta output file. Default is standard output.
                                      For paired-end data just provide a file name without file extension (!)