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pyGTF2bedGraph (version 1.0.0)
This file should have two columns: first column is the names of the chromosomes, second column is length of the chromosomes. Use pyCrac utility pyCalculateChromosomeLengths to create.
Takes the numbers in the 'score' column of the GTF file as the total number of reads for each position


pyGTF2bedGraph is part of the pyCRAC package. Generates bedgraph files for each chromosome. An homage to bedtools genomecoverage. Takes a pyReadCounters GTF file as input file. Can also output bedGraph files for substitutions and deletions.

Parameter list

File input options:

                    type the path to the gtf file data file. Be default it
                    expects data from the standard input
-o converted
                    provide a name for an output file. A file extension or
                    strand information is not necessary.
-c yeast.txt, --chromfile=yeast.txt
                    Location of the chromosome info file. This file should
                    have two columns: first column is the names of the
                    chromosomes, second column is length of the
                    chromosomes. Default is yeast
-t TYPE, --type=TYPE
                    this tool can generate bedGraph files for reads,
                    substitutions or deletions. Please use
                    'reads','substitutions' or 'deletions' to indicate the
                    type of data. Default='reads'
                    Takes the numbers in the 'score' column of the GTF
                    file as the total number of reads for each position.
                    Default is 1 for each interval.
                    This turns on the iCLIP mode and the sgr reads or cDNA
                    files will report cross-linking site frequencies in
                    iCLIP data
-v, --verbose
                    to print status messages to a log file

These options can be used to add a track line for the UCSC genome browser:

                    Use this flag to add a UCSC genome browser track line
                    to the beginning of your file
-n NAME, --name=NAME
                    For the USCS track line: provide a track name. Default
                    = 'User_supplied_track'
                    For the USCS track line: provide a track description.
                    Default = 'User_supplied_track'
                    select the track color. Default = black
-s STRANDS, --colorstrands=STRANDS
                    select the colors for each strand. Default =