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shift longitudes (version 0.1.0)

Shift longitudes

This tool wraps the functionality of

The wrapper aims at providing a simple utility to shift longitudes ranging from 0. and 360 degrees to -180. and 180. degrees. The input file must be in netCDF format with geographical coordinates (latitudes, longitudes) given in degrees.

What it does

This tools creates a netCDF file with the same variables as the original file but where longitudes range from -180. to 180.


usage: [-h] [-v] input output

Positional arguments:

  • input: input filename with geographical coordinates (netCDF format)
  • longitude: variable name for longitudes as stored in netCDF file
  • output: output filename for data with shifted longitudes

Optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose switch on verbose mode

It uses xarray python package to generate plots. More information about xarray can be found at