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BLAST Reporting (version 1.0.5)
Numeric Filters
Numeric Filter 0
Text Filters
Text Filter 0
Keep only the best hit when query matches multiple locales in a subject sequence.
Limit each query's results to this many rows. 0=unlimited.
Use the field selectors below to add or customize fields that end up in the output HTML or tabular report. By default results are presented by query, with table data sorted by score, descending. Enter a preferred label in the text field to override the default field labeling.
Field 0
Reference Bins
Reference Bin 0

What it does

NCBI BLAST+ searches can output in a range of formats, but in the past only the XML format included fields like sequence description. This tool converts the BLAST XML report into 12, 24, 26 or custom column tabular

and HTML reports. This tool is loosely based on the ''BLAST XML to tabular'' tool available in main toolshed. For the default 12 and 24 column reports, it should

produce the same output although whitespace differences may exist.

Column NCBI name Description
1 qseqid Query Seq-id (ID of your sequence)
2 sseqid Subject Seq-id (ID of the database hit)
3 pident Percentage of identical matches
4 length Alignment length
5 mismatch Number of mismatches
6 gapopen Number of gap openings
7 qstart Start of alignment in query
8 qend End of alignment in query
9 sstart Start of alignment in subject (database hit)
10 send End of alignment in subject (database hit)
11 evalue Expectation value (E-value)
12 bitscore Bit score
13 sallseqid All subject Seq-id(s), separated by a ';'
14 score Raw score
15 nident Number of identical matches
16 positive Number of positive-scoring matches
17 gaps Total number of gaps
18 ppos Percentage of positive-scoring matches
19 qframe Query frame
20 sframe Subject frame
21 qseq Aligned part of query sequence
22 sseq Aligned part of subject sequence
23 qlen Query sequence length
24 slen Subject sequence length
25 pcov Percentage coverage
26 sallseqdescr All subject Seq-descr(s), separated by a ','

An option also exists to select particular columns for the output report, and to cross-reference each result with one or more reference bins.l A command line version can be used. Type -h for help.

python in_file out_file out_format [options]

As noted in the original BLAST XML to tabular tool, ''Be aware that the XML file (and thus the conversion) and the tabular output direct from BLAST+ may differ in the presence of XXXX masking on regions low complexity (columns 21 and 22), and thus also calculated figures like the percentage identity (column 3) and gap openings.''


If using this tool for publishing results, you may need to cite its origin in the BLAST XML to tabular tool:

Peter J.A. Cock, Björn A. Grüning, Konrad Paszkiewicz and Leighton Pritchard (2013). Galaxy tools and workflows for sequence analysis with applications in molecular plant pathology. PeerJ 1:e167