Galaxy | Tool Preview

Netcdf Metadata Info (version 0.1.0)
Netcdf file you need information about.

What it does

First the tool will give general information about the input in a 'info file' output. (command $ncdump -h inputfile)

Then, a general tabular 'variables' summarize dimensions details inside each available variable.

The summary tabular file has the general structure :

Variable1 Var1_Number_of_Dim Dim1 Dim1_size ... DimN DimN_size

VariableX VarX_Number_of_Dim DimX1 DimX1_size ... DimXN DimXN_size



A netcdf file (


An Information file.

A summary tabular file.

The Netcdf Info tool use the netcdf functions :

Run this tool before considering using Netcdf Read.