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Netcdf Reader (version 0.2.0)
Select the tabular file which summarize the available variables and dimensions.
Format : Latitude Longitude
Filter 0

What it does

This tool extracts variable values with custom conditions on dimensions.

It can use manualy given coordinates or automaticaly take them from a tabular file to filter informations.

If no values are availables at a coordinate X, the tool will search the closest coordinate with a non NA value.

Filter can be set on every dimension. Available filtering operations are : =, >, <, >=, <=, [interval], ]interval[.


A netcdf file (.nc).

Variable tabular file from 'Netcdf Metadate Info'.

Tabular file with coordinates and the following structure : 'lat' 'lon'.


A single output with values for the wanted variable if there is only one coordinate.

A data collection where one file is created for every coordinate, if multiple coordinates from tabular file.

The Netcdf Read tool can be used after the Netcdf Info.