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Retrieve Ensembl features in BED format (version 0.1.0)
Example biotypes: protein_coding, non_coding, pseudogene, nonsense_mediated_decay, non_stop_decay, translated_processed_pseudogene, transcribed_processed_pseudogene, transcribed_unitary_pseudogene, transcribed_unprocessed_pseudogene, polymorphic_pseudogene, processed_pseudogene, unprocessed_pseudogene, unitary_pseudogene, processed_transcript, retained_intron, ccds_gene, sense_overlapping, sense_intronic, cdna_update, antisense, LRG_gene, IG_C_gene, IG_D_gene, IG_J_gene, IG_LV_gene IG_V_gene, TR_C_gene, TR_D_gene, TR_J_gene, TR_V_gene, IG_pseudogene, IG_C_pseudogene, IG_D_pseudogene, IG_J_pseudogene, IG_V_pseudogene, TR_J_pseudogene, TR_V_pseudogene, TEC, ribozyme, RNase_P_RNA, guide_RNA, macro_lncRNA, bidirectional_promoter_lncRNA, 3prime_overlapping_ncRNA, antisense_RNA, vaultRNA, Y_RNA, SRP_RNA, RNase_MRP_RNA, IG_C_pseudogene, lncRNA, lincRNA, miRNA, snRNA, sRNA, telomerase_RNA, Mt_tRNA, Mt_rRNA, scaRNA, misc_RNA, rRNA, tRNA, scRNA, snoRNA, other
Each region is specifed as: chr or chr:pos or chr:from-to

Retrieve Ensembl cDNAs in BED format

usage: [-h] [-s SPECIES] [-R REGIONS] [-B BIOTYPES]
[-X] [-U] [-t] [-v] [-d] output
positional arguments:
output Output BED filepath, or for stdout: "-"
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SPECIES, --species SPECIES
 Ensembl Species to retrieve
 Restrict Ensembl retrieval to regions e.g. X,2:20000-25000,3:100-500+
 Regions from a bed, gff, or interval file
-f {bed,gff,interval}, --interval_format {bed,gff,interval}
Interval format has TAB-separated columns: Seq, Start, End, Strand
 Restrict Ensembl biotypes to retrieve
-X, --extended_bed
 Include the extended columns returned from Ensembl
-U, --ucsc_chrom_names
 Use the UCSC names for Chromosomes
-t, --toplevel Print Ensembl toplevel for species
-v, --verbose Verbose
-d, --debug Debug


Ensembl REST API returns an extended BED format with these additional columns:

second_name, cds_start_status, cds_end_status, exon_frames, type, gene_name, second_gene_name, gene_type