Galaxy | Tool Preview

CESM (version 2.1.3+galaxy0)
Select all the netCDF files you would need for running the chosen compset and resolution
Customize the model run periods
Customize the model run period 0
Customize the model restart periods
Customize the model restart period 0
Land namelist user customizations
Land namelist user customization 0
River-runoff namelist user customizations
River-runoff namelist user customization 0
Atmopshere namelist user customizations
Atmopshere namelist user customization 0
Land-ice namelist user customizations
Land-ice namelist user customization 0
Sea-ice namelist user customizations
Sea-ice namelist user customization 0
Ocean namelist user customizations
Ocean namelist user customization 0

The Community Earth System Model (CESM)

This tool creates and runs CESM experiments from CESM supported release. CESM is a fully-coupled, community, global climate model that provides state-of-the-art computer simulations of the Earth's past, present, and future climate states.

Available component configurations and grids: